flash fiction


Jamie looked up at the sky in that moment. From each stretching point he could see turned black in a matter of seconds. He’d never seen anything like it. 

He tried to hail the ship once again but no one answered. Static shot through his earpiece as lightning erupted in a fractal in the darkened sky. No one would be answering in this storm, he thought. 

He looked around. The ground was cracked and rocks jutted in and out. Rain began to fall. 

The front of his helmet began to fog up and he raised his hand to wipe the rain away. With each pass, Jamie’s view became more and more obscured. His warning system went off then. Air pressure was dropping and fast. He wiped the rain again and pulled back a handful of plastic and glass. 

Jamie’s heart leapt into his throat. He’d be dead in a matter of minutes if he didn’t find shelter.