flash fiction


The Visitors left planet Earth in a rush of frustration. They were surprised by how difficult it was for us to come to a conclusion in a single issue. They came to help us but we did what we always do. 

When they left, it was without a parting gift. A meteor struck the middle west of America with a message: this will either be our greatest triumph or our complete undoing. 

The meteor sat for two days before a crease appeared, opened, and a human stepped out. Well, it looked like a human, a woman in fact, but it could easily have been an android. No one dare get close enough to see.

Attached to the middle of her shoulder blades was a cable. Two inches thick, it was made of a metal that could not be cut by human tools.

Another day passed and she didn’t move. Now there was a spectacle surrounding her full of believers and non-believers.

Another day passed and she took her first step. Then another. Then another. Each step was thought out and methodical, and prepared. Each step meant something. Was meant for someone.

It was only when she finally stopped we truly understood.