flash fiction

monster at the edge of my bed

There’s a monster that lives at the edge of my bed. While I’m  asleep, I sometimes wake to the feeling of his fingernails pricking my toes. Like little needles finding a vein. 

Whenever I feel it, I pull my feet up to my chest and reach down to rub them. It only takes a few moments before they feel normal again and I let sleep take me away. Until the fingernails wake me up again. 

He comes out almost every night and he seems to follow me around. One time I spent the night at my friends house and it wasn’t long into the night that the monster let my feet know he was there. But this time, my friend was there to see him. 

“What is that?” he asked. 

“A monster that likes my feet,” I said. 

“Ask him to leave, please,” he asked. But I didn’t have the heart.